Primary Attribute
Character Design and Illustration
These are Character Artworks I've created for one of my other projects, The Primary Attribute podcast at
Vons Snacking
Vons, a character from the Primary Attribute Podcast, illustrated using Adobe Fresco and Photoshop.

This was really an exercise in restraint. It's often too easy for me to drift into the weeds and overwork a piece, especially for a piece like this that wants a rougher and more "painted" look. The first attempt came out far too dark and over-rendered. It just didn't feel like Vons, so most of this illustration was redrawn at some stage, and the background was ultimately omitted altogether.

Grickx - Civil Engineering
Grickx, a character from the Primary Attribute Podcast, illustrated using Adobe Photoshop and Fresco.

This piece was intended for use on Tumblr for a very specific culture, with a very specific aesthetic. It was an interesting project to be sure. The goal was to do a portrait of the character, Grickx, in the style of one of the old and iconic Marvel Swimsuit Issues. In my mind, this meant a gratuitous pose, skimpy outfit, and a heavy ink outline.
I Started with the rough sketch, which I traditionally do in blue, then redid the line art and set up the flats. The next step was to get the environment set up, so I borrowed a screen shot from an underground scene in one of my favorite video games, and used it as reference to create a tunnel from the interior of the Primary Attribute setting, Arx Multimous. I threw in some bright sparks for ambience, then added a tiny guest character. After throwing the main character back in, I added highlights and shadows using classic Photoshop comics methods, then the text pieces and branding.

This project is ongoing, so please check back to see my next character, Wealthy Taylor.